
Sep 30, 2008

E-mail at workplace downside

A study published by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that workers in general have mixed feelings about the increased use of e-mail and the Internet in the past few years.

In a survey of 2,134 adults in March and April, 96 percent used e-mail, the Internet or cell phones. Of them, 80 percent said these technologies nhave improved their ability to do their jobs, and 58 percent said these tools have given them more control over when to work.

But 46 percent also said these devices increase the demands that they work more hours, and 49 percent said that the technologies make it harder to disconnect from work when they should be off.

Half of the respondents who were employed and had e-mail said they check their work e-mail on weekends, and a full 22 percent said they checked office e-mail "often" on the weekends, up from 16 percent who said the same thing in 2002. Read more...

Sep 29, 2008

Common mistakes in email managment

Top 5 defects that impact the attitude of the recipient when reading e-mails, affecting their attention and interest, their understanding of the message, and their motivation to respond:

1. An e-mail that is not easy to understand or recognize, because the content isn't clear or the information is vague.

2. The title of the e-mail is indistinct or too generic, making it difficult to identify or to follow-up related messages.

3. The sender cannot be identified, because the name of the sender is an entity or department, or because the name of the person does not appear, only his/her e-mail address.

4. An e-mail that contains too much information on different topics is more difficult to read and to understand, and it is more complex to answer.

5. The content is too long, particularly if there are too many mails to read (and longer messages tend to be irrelevant).


Sep 24, 2008

What Americans do online

* Use an online search engine: 89%
* Check weather reports and forecasts: 80%
* Get news online: 73%
* Visit a state or local government website: 66%
* Watch a video on a videosharing site like YouTube: 52%
* Look online for information about a job: 47%
* Send instant messages: 40%
* Read someone else’s blog: 33
* Use a social networking site like MySpace: 29%
* Make a donation to charity online: 20%
* Downloaded a podcast: 19%
* Download or share files using peer-to-peer networks such as LiveWire: 15%
* Create or work on your own blog: 12%

Source: Pew Internet Project (1553 cases).

Sep 17, 2008

US adults still use e-mail for sharing information

US adults still depend on personal email as a main source of receiving shared content: 69% still rely on email to share content and information, Forrester Research reports.

Personal emails made up 56% of shared content received; however, more than 50% of youth use instant messaging, videos from YouTube, and wikis to share content, while notes on social networks and text messages on cell phones equates respectively to 30% and 41% for how this demographic receives information.

Power Sharers are a new category defined as individuals that share content at least weekly and share with 11 or more people through at least one channel.

Adult Power Sharers represented 35% of the online population, and Youth Power sharers make up 62% of the online population, showcasing how each of these groups feed the viral cycles and influence networks.

92% of adults trust an email from someone they know, while 70% trust messages through someone they know through a social site. 64% of adults and 60% of youth still use the traditional cut and paste method to share a URL or information. (More...)

Sep 10, 2008

Qualitative shortcomings of emails at workplace

According to the study called "Quality improvement of e-mail communication in work groups and organizations by reflection", the most frequent qualitative shortcomings that recipients must face in managing the number of e-mails received were:

• Receiving multiple e-mails with the same or similar information, from different sources.

• Receiving incomplete or poorly written messages means that they will immediately receive more messages on the same subject to complete the information or to clarify it.

• In some cases it is difficult to understand to what specific activity or job the mail corresponds to.

• Receiving e-mails from unknown senders.

• Receiving e-mails where the purpose of the sender isn't clear.

• Receiving incomplete messages that require clarifications by telephone.

• Receiving messages where it is difficult to establish the importance and/or urgency.